Creating a new view
To create a new view, create a Pug file. It is common to put this file in its own directory with the same name, to group the page, styling and optional models together. A single page can contain many flutter-views.
Importing Dart dependencies
Default imports
By default, the following imports are added to generated Dart files:
You can add additional default imports using flutter-view.json.
Adding imports
To import additional packages in a Pug or HTML file, use the import tag with the package parameter:
To import files in a Pug or HTML file, use the import tag with the file parameter. The files are relative to the current file directory:
Creating Flutter-views
A flutter-view is transformed into a Dart function. As such, you are just writing Dart functions in an HTML-like format.
Method body
The format of a flutter view in Pug is as follows:
This will render into the following Dart:
The method name in HTML or Pug is dash-cased, and gets transformed into camel-case. The same is true for the parameters.
Note: The generated Dart functions start in uppercase. This is so they can be called from other flutter-views, as will become clear in a moment.
Adding Parameters
Parameters are defined as follows:
The [type] and ? are optional:
The type becomes the type of the parameter in the Dart function. If omitted, it it is considered dynamic
By default, parameters you specify are required. Adding a ? at the end indicates that they are optional.
This will render into the following Dart:
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